We thought everyone would enjoy hearing

an update about the Dipavali gift that VedAroma gave to the two Full-Time Creating Coherence groups in the USA and to the Faculty and Staff of MUM.

Shipped and attached cards to perfumes

The VedAroma Team Leader writes: First, we shipped all the 8ml Royal Collection perfumes and boxes to Maharishi Vedic City where my sister and I went thru them all.

Then we labeled and boxed them, put them in cello bags and attached a very pretty card – wishing everyone a Happy Dipavali with love from VedAroma.

Helping hands

Two Full-Time Creating Coherence ladies helped us boxing the perfumes and they and another helped us to pack up the pallet that went back to our fulfillment center.  

We all had such a good time and were so happy to be able to offer a Dipavali gift to so many in our dear organization and lady Full-Time Creating Coherence family. Here are some of the responses we received:

Lovely comments

This is the response that was sent from MUM Staff and students:

“Thank you!

The displays are beautiful and those picking up their gifts today were delighted.”

This is the message from our Mother Divine group in Livingston Manor:

“Exquisite gifts will distribute tomorrow,

Please thank with all love whomever should be thanked fo this beautiful gift of Nature’s delights”

Great appreciation

And SO many of the Full-Time Creating Coherence ladies in Maharishi Vedic City had many, many beautiful comments saying how much they appreciated receiving these gifts and how much they love the fragrances.

Photos included

I am attaching photos of the boxes of VA products that we offered to The Faculty at MUM, a fun photo of us creating the pallet along with the cards we attached to the gifts.

Lots of bliss

So much bliss was created from this precious, thoughtful, generous gift and we just wanted to share this with you!

With so much appreciation for all of your love and support for this precious project.

Jai Guru Dev

All Love, 

VedAroma Team Leader


Readers comment: 

Thank you so much for the wonderful news! You’ve done a lot of work and you’ve done it with a lot of fun😊 

I’m sure everyone who gets those perfume gifts will be overflowing with joy too and will be eager to share their joy with others. And thus many more people will know about those beautiful products!

Sending all love 💕

S from Ukraine