
Quiz answer:

There are three different VedAroma Essential Oils produced from the plant called:

Citrus Aurantium

The three VedAroma  Essential Oils produced from Citrus Aurantium are:

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VedAroma Neroli Essential Oil,

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VedAroma Petitgrain, bigarade Essential Oil, and

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VedAroma Orange, bitter Essential Oil

The sweet fragrances of all these three Essential Oils are uplifting, calming, and relaxing, yet each has its own ‘personality’.

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Neroli (extracted from the blossoms by steam distillation) has a delicate yet full, rich floral fragrance. Uplifting and calming, Neroli helps with insomnia and relieves stress; added to creams and lotions, it is also excellent for mature skin.

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Petitgrain, bigarade (extracted from the leaves by steam distillation) has a fresh floral citrus scent with something of a woody-herbaceous undertone. It is both relaxing and uplifting and helps to balance oily skin.

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Orange bitter (extracted from the rind of the fruit by steam distillation) has a fresh dry almost floral fragrance—the sweetness of a sweet orange with a hint of the astringency of grapefruit. As well as being refreshing and calming, it also improves digestion.

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For a calm and relaxed evening, enjoy the harmonizing blend of all these three VedAroma Essential Oils in your micro-diffuser or aroma lamp.