essential oils have been used for…
…thousands of years. They are still being used as women continue to make informed choices during pregnancy and childbirth.
Read Full Article: Article by Julie Revelant at Fox News:
They’re also turning to natural remedies like essential oils to ease common aches and pains, ease anxiety and get more sleep, experts say.
In fact, a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at data from 2007 and found that 37 percent of pregnant women used complementary and alternative medicine within the last year.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts that are naturally found in different parts of a plant, including the leaves, flowers, twigs, peel of the fruit and the bark root.
The oil sacks that protect the plant from disease can also help women during pregnancy to feel better, both physically and emotionally, said Stephanie Fritz, a licensed midwife and a certified professional midwife in Sierra Vista, Ariz. and author of “Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies.”
Manage common pregnancy complaints
Here are some essential oils that can help manage common pregnancy complaints.
Read Full Article:
Also, another great article: